1. Sour Pickles "Check the hint giver"
2. Celestial Designs "Am I Missing Something?"
3. X-Clusives Animations " We are family. I got all my sisters with me. We are family. Get up ev'rybody and sing. We are family. I got all my sisters with me. We are family. Get up ev'rybody and sing"
4. The Happy Hat "The HUNT HINT is the thing, to find the gifts of Spring."
5. StoraxTree "Look near hunt poster"
6. EARTHWORX "You will find me in the game room"
7. Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Charity Shop "Where is the Wheelbarrow with flowers?"
8. {.Gross Princess.} "Here comes the bride!"
9. Dreamscape Wedding Design "Plan for a special event."
10. Mishmash Fusion "I'm evil."
11. LOoLOo's & Platypus "I fly through the air, but my long legs bring me back down."
12. Meander "Go sit in a circle!"
13. *Shae's Designs "Check out that skinny girl in the bathing suit"
14. Steaming Ahead "Oops, nearly sprang into the water"
15. Que Rico Design "A Small Oasis of Bamboo for Spring"
16. Artic Storm "Flowers are nice, until they lose their petals"