1. Sour Pickles "Check the hint giver"
2. Dondi's Doodads "When you have a cold, it feels good to have warm and cozy feet."
3. Divalicious "Your feeling cold, but now don't lose hope. Snuggle with your friends, they will help you cope. Look to the skies and listen to the singing birds. Join in with a whistle or hum, you don't need any words. Find one of these feathered friends, and give its cage a check. You might find warmth and comfort, to place around your neck"
4. GaR "Spring has sprung. The grass is riz. And I am where the flowers is."
5. BUTT-ERR "Take time to smell the flowers"
6. ToXiC HiGh "When its 'Meshy' outside I get cold, so I wear sweats clothes to keep me warm."
7. Dani's "Don't you just love Valentines Sparks?"
8. Les sucreries de Fairy "You'll fing me near the " Cure me " outfit"
9. Brass in Pocket "Tonight I am going to sleep like a ROCK"
10. Timeless Textures "When I feel unwell I like to head UPSTAIRS to bed and snuggle under my WOOLEN BLANKET."
11. GLO-MART "She is such a cutie"
12. Earth's "I feel brand new"
13. *-*Purretes*-* "Flowers give allergy "
14. [S&S] Clockworks "Careful of the Siren's Song"
15. Nomiki's Creations "Don't 'rail' on having to swallow me down, just take me with water!"
16. 20.FIVE "Trees and gnomes"
17. The Happy Hat "A sneeze and cough are a real pain the rear. Check the Hunt Hints on where I will appear."
18. Bitch Tail "Check in at the front desk"
19. Caramba "Having a cold? fight this bug!!"
20. Ink Blots "If you go out in Stormy weather, you could catch a cold."
21. OUT
22. OUT
23. USC Textures "Nasty outbreak of Cat Flu - must be the damp air by the pond"
24. Stitches Creations "All this food is making me hungry!"
25. [: Kawaii Couture & Dirty Dollies :] "To find Kawaii Comfort you must first find Kawaii Goodness!"
26. Ahmused Xpresnz "Lets go have a snuggle together to keep warm "
27. Amped Up "Upstairs is always cold"
28. Fi's Creations "Plants are not Animals"
29. CIRCA Living "See store entrance for hint"
30. blah.BLAH.blah "Ill be lucky If I dont get sick this year "
31. Digital Aura "Relax and you'll be fine. If that doesn't work go toward the light!"
32. [[[[NOISE]]]] "When im sick all I want to do is lay around"