Thursday, March 31, 2022

Bake Off Hunt Hints

1. Sour Pickles "Check the hint giver"
2. Que Rico Design "Where there is food utensils"
3. Artic Storm "Look on the kitchen table!"
4. Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Project "Floating Water lilies for Party!"
5. Kittycat's Creations "That takes rolling over to a whole new level."
6. StoraxTree "Look near hunt poster"
7. The Sissy Bar "It's TIME to roll out the dough!!"
9. Loordes of London "Look near hunt poster"
10. Emerald Couture "Special no ReDelivery"
11. LOoLOo & the Platypus "I'm a HEAD of my planting this Spring"
12. Emerald Man "Are you feeling Lucky?"
13. Ellen's Stuff "Oh no a rolling pin fell off the table"
14. Wiccan Wears "Pumpkins in Spring?"
15. Sassy Brats "Butterflies are my thing!"
16. Brattylane "Let go to the Pantry for some ingredients! "
17. Starshine Design MISSING HINT
19. Lindy Modern & Retro Shoes "I love to bake Ginger cookies!"
20. ZENDRA "Mickey mouse hands are around!!"
21. ZK Designs - Home & Garden "In the wood pile you will find me ... lurking out in the yard"